Maiden Voyage
This post should probably have been written a few months ago, back when I brewed my first beer, but somehow I never got round to it and now I’m sitting here just starting on my second brew day and I figure I should record the first beer I brewed before I get a second under my belt. I’ve been interested in brewing for a while now, but never had the space before. I also moved from Edinburgh to Toronto six months ago. Before the move there was no point buying a bunch of brewing gear that would just be more stuff to move over here (or more likely get rid of and buy again once here) but afterwards I had more space available. I also found (slightly to my dismay) that Ontario has a local monopoly on alcohol sales, with everything going through one of three shops: the LCBO, the Beer Store, and the Wine Rack. The Beer Store mostly deals in 24 packs of lager so for decent beer of any kind the only option is the LCBO. I don’t live that close to one however, and we don’t have a car. This just provided another good reason to try brewing my own beer (as if I needed the excuse).